Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A visit down to the river

Well between Dr's appts and babysitting, I managed to get out and do some fishing/picture taking. Not very much but a little. I saw the orthopedic surgeon's last week and they could not find anything wrong in terms of broken bone, torn ligament, pulled tendon etc. Every single test they took the week before came back completely normal. So now that they can't find anything wrong and have ruled out nearly everything else they have come to the conclusion of calling it Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Now I will have 5 procedures done starting in July and going into August. I think the worst part is not being able to eat from midnight the night before and then not being able to eat until at least around 3:00 the next day when I'm in recovery. But I am going to eat at 12:01, maybe 12:02 :P

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A few more!

 Keagan had surgery a few days ago, which is why he has what looks like a cut on his eyebrow. Its acutally stitches though, poor little guy.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

My favorite summer day so far!

Today was the best day of summer so far. Well its a weekend so not sure if it counts for summer. but to say the least, I had a ton of fun! One reason it was great was cause I spent the day babysitting some of my favorite kids, Emerson and baby Keagan. Second reason it was great, I didn't spend my day in a HOSPITAL! Third reason it was amazing, I babysat little Avalee for the first time who was one of the best babies I have ever babysat. She definitely has her spot as one my favorites! She's such a cutie, and smiles a ton. Also she sleeps a lot, but don't all babies? At one point during the day I had both 3 month old babies and 3 year old, but I enjoyed it. Once Tara and Jake got home Avalee and I came to my house and hung out til Heather and Clint came. They could have left Avalee here with me and I would be fine with that! Here's a few of the pictures from the day.

 Makin' cookies! Every kid lovessss to get messy! Especially this little girl!

 Sleepy babies.

 The most adorable baby I know.

 Emerson was such a good helper. If I asked her to get me something she got it right away, well except for the baby bottles that she couldn't reach. hahaha.
 Emerson, "Did you get me in there too!?!?!?!"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer's here and I'm busy!

 Today was the first day of summer and man was my day packed full! Today I also started babysitting the girls for the summer. It went well I'd say. I decided to let Alexa have a popsicle though, lets just say more of the popsicle was on her than in her mouth. But its alright. Kids like to get messy. Then lets see, my sisters had to come babysit for an hour while I went to my doctors appt. in town. Once Jenna got home around 1, she dropped me off and we headed to my appt. in marshfield. We got there at 2:00 and I wasn't called back until 2:45. Then they told me a resident dr. (like a student doctor) was going to come in first. He was foreign and a little hard to understand, so I hope I answered all of the 101 million questions, he asked, the right way. After telling him in detail from the beginning what happened, the other actual doctor came in, who was also foreign and she sits down, and asks the same questions, this time I didn't have to answer though, the other dr. did that part, and almost instantly I get the same response as every other doctor, "I think you need to see _____" Her and the other dr left and talked about some "options" I guess. So long story made short, she referred me to an orthopedic surgeon to see if there is any "rare" fracture or ligament tear and also to pain management for some spinal injections. Overall I think we are right back where I started. 
Anyways, I had some of these pictures that I took not really summer vacation.. yet.. but a few that look "summery"

 Ducks at Lake Arbutus
 Knee boarding=concussion
 tubing= a little bit safer

Monday, June 6, 2011

A day in my life

This is just a few of the things I do throughout the day. I didn't take many but I got enough to show what my day consists of.

The two pictures with food could, themselves, describe my day. I eat nonstop. but I haven't gained a pound and I want 5 more. It'll make me tougher!

Then there's my pig. I visit him sometimes. It just happens that the day I decided to take my pictures, I visited my pig. He runs free now and is super friendly! I hope he doesn't find the road while running around!

Next there's Lexa and Ty. I babysit these children a lot. Karli wouldn't take a picture but Lexa and Ty are almost the exact same age, only 3 days apart, and they are cousins. It was pretty difficult babysitting these two and Karli while being on crutches but I managed.

The big picture of me tubing is something I did on the day I took all of these. After sitting on the boat for 2 hours watching everyone else tube I decided it was my turn. I only had swimsuit bottoms so I ended up wearing my shirt out there. I can't believe I actually did this with an injured foot! I tell ya, kneeling for 10 minutes while riding wisconsin waves is not the easiest. I set up my camera for my cousin to take some pictures and he didn't do too bad on some of them!

The last picture of me, well thats just me about to go to sleep. Which is right now. Goodnight!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cousins and more favorites!

So these are pretty much my favorite pictures I have taken in a long time. My cousins from Iowa were visiting us this weekend for graduation. They are moving to California ... actually TODAY! June 1st! I hadn't seen them in the longggestttt time ever.. but we had a birthday party for Brianna, the second oldest one and I told them that I was going to bring my camera and take 800,000 pictures.. to be specific. I really like how these turned out... I think they adorable!

 This is Abby, she is 3 years old. People say she could look like a "Little House on the Prairie" girl. I kind of see it!

 The birthday girl, Brianna! She's 8 now!
 Here's the four girls, Hallie, Brianna, Bella, Abby.
 This is Hallie, she's 11 and loveeesss getting her picture taken.

 Brianna didn't really like getting her picture as much as Hal but did cooperate!
 Bella was not to happy about getting her picture taken cause she wanted cousin Jeff to be in the picture. But Jeff of course told her no. She had Jeff, who is 21, on a leash! He tried to get up from the couch and she says "Jeffery! Why did you move!" Looks like he's going to California too.

and of course.. Brad and Denise wanted to get there picture together! Denise says, "I need some pictures to frame at our new house!" I like the dandelions in this picture.. blurred but you can still kind of tell they are flowers.. well weeds.

Softball Regionals Round Two

I had to take pictures for the newspaper at last nights regional softball game against Edgar. We won 11-0 and I had a lot of fun taking pictures! These are just a few of them that I took, I think I ended up with 300+ pictures. Look for them in next weeks newspaper!