Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer Adventures

My summer is on a strong roll forward with lots going on all the time. I am loving all of the adventures I've gone on, not to mention some really exciting ones coming up soon but I'll leave y'all hanging and save it for another post. The latest adventure was out at Wildcat Mound on a photo shoot. We had a few spare hours but not enough to go anywhere more civilized than our little small town, WI. I had just finished my track workout for the day and quickly got ready, I was actually surprised how nice these turned out with the little preparation time I had. I switched off with Jade as photographer and "model" so to say. These were so fun to work on, I tried a few new editing tools & effects here. I think I love it!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Freshman Fun

"selfies" galore. My freshman year at AppState has come to an end. Heading back to the North Woods tomorrow morning. Its been such a wonderful experience here in NC over the past 10 months. I can't believe I am actually going home. I think I might want to live at the ocean one day though. That was definitely a highlight trip of the year. 

Track came to an end about 3 weeks ago. I ended up 14th in the SoCon for 400m dash. Next year we move to the SunBelt Conference and hopefully an improve my 400 along with running the 200, 400 hurdles, javelin and maybe the 4x4. Best decision I made was to be a college athlete. Wouldn't trade it for anything!

The last one, just a casual "selfie" again while bored in the dorm room.