Friday, May 27, 2011

rainy day

I took this on Saturday when it was rainy, hailing and there were a few tornadoes in the area. Here, it only rained and hailed for a little while and then the sun came out. I was out trying to get pictures of the rain behind some of these flowers but it was way to difficult. Once the sun came out I got quite a few pictures that I like.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


 Here is mine...
...and here is the one I was trying to copy.

This is my third time attempting this assignment. My first two did not work at all. This one turned out the best out of them, although it is not wonderful. I was looking at totally different pictures when I found an entire gallery of weird, confusing and photoshopped pictures. This was the first one I saw so I decided to do this one. After getting the pictures of it I looked through the entire gallery and found some that probably would have worked out better but I had no ambition to re-do this assignment.

No. 100!

Whoa. I never would have thought that after almost exactly one school year I would have exactly 100 posts! I knew there would be a lot since I have so many pictures but I guess I never really figured what "a lot" would be. I had to do something different for the 100th post and it is quite obvious. I have had assignments to post and new pictures but I couldn't post those until I got the 100th one done. and FINALLY its done!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


This has got to be one of my favorite things to take pictures of! I guess its just a lot of fun to try to get the right light, press the shutter at the right time and see what turns out! I think splashing water or any frozen motion pictures are always fun to look at and are interesting because we don't see things like this normally. Friday night I was supposed to take pictures for the newspaper but there was a mix up of dates so I ended up going to Tuft's Mansion with a friend and took these pictures. I broke one of the biggest photography rules ever while taking these pictures. Using the flash. oops. But I had to in order to have a fast enough shutter speed and enough light.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

These are just some extra pictures I had that turned out pretty good! There isn't much to say about these though. They are what they are and thats about it.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rural Life

This weekend a friend and I attempted to kayak. It all went well until we got to the boat landing and had to get out in a creek cause there were people fishing. I stepped out of the kayak and my foot sunk into the mud about 1 foot deep. My flip flop was stuck so i just took my foot out and had to dig for my flip flop. Then my arm was covered in mud. My cousin picked us up from the boat landing in my aunts JUST cleaned car. So I pretty much had to hang out the window all the way back.

Down and Dirty

Everyone HAS to take pictures of flowers. No matter if you take just a few pictures in a week, month, or year or if you take thousands of pictures, you will always have at least one picture of a flower. But probably more! I see these flowers everywhere right about this time of year and being on crutches (which is my excuse for everything now) it was easy to get to these to take pictures. The last one is probably my favorite of the three cause its a different view of the flower that we usually don't see.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Finally got my lines assignment done! Only three weeks late! Its difficult to get around nowadays, but I manage to do it some how. I told my aunt that I needed to take pictures of lines and she's like "oh here's lines!". Its an old rusty basket she had by the hot tub for all the toy boats and what not. The top one is just a picture I took while sitting outside.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

When ever I take pictures they never fit any of the assignments that I have! I was actually motivated to take pictures and get my assignments done yesterday but being with the girls all day it was hard to get pictures that fit the assignments. Today I am hoping to finish a least 2 of them... after my piano recital. I'm going to see the pig and going kayaking so I should be able to get some pictures! Anyways, these are pictures of Karli. Yesterday I was over at their house visiting, not babysitting, just visiting. It was a nice day and me and Karli played outside all day!