Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter Sunday Pictures

I was getting bored just sitting around eating food and watching everyone else run around so I took my crutches and went on a photo hunt. I tried to walk down to the river but my crutches would just sink into the ground with every step I took. So as far as I could go I took pictures of anything I could find. The "wild onions" (ramps) are sure growing fast!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Brooke for Breakfast

Hard select is our most recent assignment. I was going to make it look like I was floating in a "cheerio tube" but we didn't have any cheerios so I had to come up with something else. I really liked this assignment cause I got to eat all of the cereal before I took the picture. (: I also tried to hide my huge swollen foot but I couldn't hide it all but it looks better than before.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


woops,  A little late on this one. Light was our assignment for the weekend a few weeks ago. This one always seems to be difficult since I never know if I should take a picture of a light or a picture with light or some sort of lighting effects. On saturday while at my grandma and grandpas I found something that was obvious enough to fit the light assignment. Its an old lantern on the end of the dock. Its been there a long long time!

Easter Food

I love food. Easter is a great time.. actually any holiday or celebration is a great time cause there is always a lot of food! I think my favorite food from easter was the one in the last picture... Bagels with cream cheese and corned beef dip. Yum!

Oscar the pig!

 This is my pig Oscar. He's really little and doesn't really like to be held. Getting a picture of him was rather difficult cause every time I got close to him he ran inside.

                               My cousin Mary took this last two pictures on Easter. Not to bad!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Saturday!

Saturday we had easter with my mom's side of the family. The small side! I thought it was funny that my cousin Aaron (riding the dirt bike) had a broken foot too since I only have 3 cousins on my moms side. 

 ...and my yucky foot. Had an MRI Friday in Chippewa Falls. They think its a lisfranc injury! We have to wait until Monday to get the MRI results. Until then I was told to "take it EASY" but I don't think that will happen today!
 I was just passing time waiting for dinner. I watch bubbles when I'm bored.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I am not good at doing things with photoshop. I like to work on the picture for a few minutes and then be done with it. So my CD is really not good.. I now know if someone asks me to make CD artwork for them, I should not do it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Kayaking Trip

These are some more pictures from the kayaking trip my cousins took. I like his expression in the third picture even though the picture itself isn't as clear as it should be. Looks like he's navigating some rough rapids! But really it wasn't as bad as he makes it look!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


 My most favorite thing about spring is this! ---^ ...... I call them wild onions since they grow EVERYWHERE in the woods  and taste just like onions, but I guess they are called ramps. Either way I love these!
 Just a lawn ornament that I liked. Not a spring picture really... but I like it.

                                                                   Rain booooots!
 I like this one because of the smoothness of the water. I was first taking pictures of the water coming out of the culvert and pouring into the crick, which was pretty much freezing motion, but I wanted to try to get the "silky water effect".
 Little puffy mushrooms growing in a tree stump. I found these walking down to the river.
To the left is the dock, to the right is the trees that are usually never in water. When the water isn't high we put the kayaks in right there too.
 Not really a spring picture but this key was on the table down by the river and I thought it looked interesting.

My cousins went kayaking on Sunday which probably wasn't the best idea but I guess they had fun. They started from the boat landing next to my aunt's house and went to Wedges boat landing. The river was pretty high (as you can see in 6th picture) and the weather was stormy all around us. My aunt and I waited for them at Wedges and right as we were about to leave they finally came around the bend. Storm clouds were rolling in and we left almost as soon as we pulled them onto shore.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Last night after track and right before piano I finally went outside and took some pictures.. which was a bad idea cause my hands were frozen for piano. But I guess it was worth it since I got a few good pictures. The first two pictures are just some plants that were in good lighting so I had to take pictures of them. I took enough pictures of birds but never really got the picture I was trying to get. The bird flying is about as close as I got. Hopefully once more of the geese start migrating back I can get some neat pictures of them. And of course I couldn't avoid taking pictures of leaves, so here's my usual leaf picture.