Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back in Photography Class!

Second semester has started and this will be my third semester in photography. These are pictures from our first assignment, which was an open theme. 

 The first picture is a good view, different from what we usually see. The second picture I guess I got the cat to sit still enough to get a sharp picture. (ISO: 1600, Aperature: 4.4, Shutter: 1/30, Focal Length: 34mm)
(ISO:640, Aperature: 4.4, Shutter: 1/30, Focal length: 34mm)
 This is Stella, the naughty bull puppy. She's Karli and Alexa's dog. I like the shallow depth of field in this picture.
(ISO:500, Aperature: 4, Shutter: 1/30, Focal Length 26mm)
 On Sunday while babysitting the girls, Karli played outside while Lexa took a nap and I took pictures. She was playing on her swing set and I noticed this board out of place which is automatically a good picture if you can figure out a good composition.
(ISO: 100, Aperture: 9, Shutter: 1/320, Focal Length: 38mm)
 Bird tracks maybe? Not sure but I like it!
(ISO: 100, Aperture: 8, Shutter: 1/400, Focal Length: 28mm)
 Icicles of course
(ISO: 100, Aperture: 7.1, Shutter: 1/400, Focal Length: 55mm)
(ISO: 100, Aperture: 7.1, Shutter: 1/320, Focal Length: 55mm)
I bet these are stella's tracks, the big ones of course, the little ones, I just don't know!
(ISO:100, Aperture: 10, Shutter: 1/400, Focal Length: 20mm)


  1. I really like how the first cats face is clear, and its body is blurry. Purr. And those icicles are very clear and special! Great Job, like usual!! :)

  2. I like the first picture you can tell how the cats nose is the main subject and the body is the second. The picture with the straight boards and then the one slanted board is really cool. They are very pretty and interesting!
