Sunday, May 15, 2011


This has got to be one of my favorite things to take pictures of! I guess its just a lot of fun to try to get the right light, press the shutter at the right time and see what turns out! I think splashing water or any frozen motion pictures are always fun to look at and are interesting because we don't see things like this normally. Friday night I was supposed to take pictures for the newspaper but there was a mix up of dates so I ended up going to Tuft's Mansion with a friend and took these pictures. I broke one of the biggest photography rules ever while taking these pictures. Using the flash. oops. But I had to in order to have a fast enough shutter speed and enough light.

1 comment:

  1. i think i like the middle pic the most because it doesnt even look like a glass of water it looks like a pillar of water standing up by itself and drops making it bigger
