Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Time for Summer!

As fun as school is..... Summer should come around very soon. Summer is just nice especially when  I don't have much to worry about or get done and I can just go about my day. I can go outside without getting a billion layers of clothes on and there is a lot more to do without going 10 or more miles away from home to find something to do. The first picture was from the day that and friend and I took the golf cart and drove around the golf course just before the sunset.. thats about all there is to that story but I do surely enjoy being able to do that! Fishing is another thing I loveeee to do. Sometimes we go up to the cabin and fish but usually I go kayaking on the river and bring the fishing pole along. The spider picture I posted earlier, I think?. Most people HATE spiders but I don't mind them. They are actually very interesting. In the summer I find hundreds of them just crawling in the grass, like this one. I'm hoping to get a macro lens soon and will be able to take super close pictures of spiders and other bugs this summer! 


  1. These are epic! They make me want summer SO bad! I especially like the first picture! where was it taken? the contrast of tones is fantastic and i love the texture of the clouds and your shirt flowing behind you. The spider picture is super cool too. I love that his legs are almost transparent. I just love everything about this post.
