Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer with the girls

These two little girls, who I have known for a very very long time, keep me veryyy busy! Last summer babysitting wasn't nearly as energy consuming as this summer. Lexa is 17 mo. old, can walk, gets into everything and is starting to talk, except really her only understandable words are  "uh-oh" (usually when she's dumping her lunch on the floor) or "mamama" (and yes in 3 syllables everytime). She's definitely a drama queen, even more so than Karli. Karli hates when Alexa tries to play with her toys, needs to hear 1-2-3 before she will even think about what you said, and loves food almost as much as me. But besides being a little harder to do this summer I still enjoy watching these two. We have quite a bit of fun together.

 We are not always happy.

 Stella, the "bull puppy". She causes LOTS of trouble!
 Here I braided her hair, she fell asleep while I was braiding it.
Jumping of the bench... naughty naughty!


  1. like how in the last one she is jumping and that you took the picture at the moment were her feet are up in the air and not yet touching the ground.. i looks cool

  2. I like the little girl trying to drink the water. Very cute! :)
